
We build strong relationships that make a difference

About us

It’s all about making the right connections with the right people

Our driving purpose is to make roads better for everyone. That’s why we’ve invested in building strong, mutually-beneficial relationships with industry leaders across the world, helping amplify the impact the community can make in improving road safety, journeys and public engagement.
Become a partner

Some of our partners

Partner types

Navigation Partners

Adding value by improving journey times and safety is globally unique in providing road operators and contractors with a “one click” communication channel to deliver real-time updates to all leading navigation solution providers, enabling agencies to influence driver behaviour and reduce incidents and fatalities.
phone in car gps

Fleet Partners

cars in traffic seen from above

Commercial Partners

Taking further partners with like-minded resellers and solution providers where our expertise and software expands our reach and combines to deliver on a wider value proposition for our customers.
vans lined up in a parking lot

Become a partner

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Partner sign-up