18 January 2023
one.network selected to provide work zone data in North Central Texas

In transportation and traffic management, all contracts aren’t equal. A few have far-reaching implications as is the case with one.network’s new agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).
NCTCOG was looking for an experienced firm to provide Roadway Work Zone Data Reporting Services to its TXShare Program, and when one.network won the award, the agreement unlocked massive potential to save lives, and do it cost effectively within the Dallas-Fort Worth area. NCTCOG is a collaborative planning organization, serving 16 counties and more than 230 local governments including cities, special districts and school districts. TXShare is a cooperative purchasing program with a goal of providing a procurement system delivering best practices and vetted companies. It’s a perfect fit for one.network which is currently providing statewide work zone data sharing services to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), with plans to announce similar agreements in the near future.
“NCTCOG understands the value of coordinated procurement. We’ve used this approach with great success in the United Kingdom where we help manage work zone data across more than 90% of all agencies, and now, we’re excited to bring that same value to our new colleagues in North Central Texas.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network
Even though one.network is relatively new to the U.S. transportation marketplace, the company’s decade-long experience in Europe and its leadership in helping to establish the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) protocol speaks to the company’s maturity in the space. When USDOT’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) began working on WZDx as a new safety initiative, which was the first real attempt to share work zone data across the country, one.network was an early adopter. The company delivered the first statewide WZDx feed to NCDOT in January 2022 and has continued to help them maintain their leadership position as the standard evolves. one.network’s Chief Product Officer Adam Graham is currently co-chairing two crucial WZDx committees that are steering that evolution, an important factor in ensuring North Central Texas remains on the cutting edge of work zone data sharing technology.
“We have seen the benefit of standardization across the ecosystem in the U.K. We appreciate that the United States operates differently and we’re very respectful of state and even local jurisdictions, but building road networks where everyone has the greatest awareness and access to the broadest data is an efficiency builder and potentially, a lifesaver. We applaud NCTCOG for taking a regional view of work zone safety and we’re excited to bring our expertise to bear.”
– Adam Graham, CPO, one.network
The work that one.network will bring to the Dallas-Fort Worth area goes well beyond WZDx. For road agencies that need to generate and/or enrich their digital work zone data, one.network’s Traffic Management module can generate detailed information that is essential for GPS services, including the precise extent of road and lane closures, temporary speed restrictions and detour routes. one.network’s intuitive, map-based interface is simple to use and removes any technical barrier for data entry, allowing all teams within an agency to collaborate under a single operational view. That’s a far cry from where traffic management has landed in recent years. Gone are the often confusing, always complicated multiple dashboards that have become ubiquitous in traffic management centers throughout the United States.
“Efficiency shouldn’t be just for the people who use the roads, it should also be for the people who manage them.”
– Adam Graham, CPO, one.network
one.network is bringing a full team to the effort including technical and project directors, project managers, WZDx data feed engineers and even marketing strategists. The idea is for the one.network software to be just as seamless and simple for NCTCOG members to procure and deploy, as it is to operate.
“We know many of the communities operate with small traffic management staffs and we are committed to not wasting their time with complicated procurement and operations protocols. While we recognize one size never fits all in transportation, we want to deliver an out of the box solution with all the components readily available, including our team.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network
As part of the agreement, one.network will provide a sales team to help NCTCOG explain the need for consistently timely and accurate, cross jurisdictional work zone data sharing. The plan is to deliver presentations and offer workshops to make sure prospective NCTCOG users are comfortable with the software and its application. While the goal is to build out a comprehensive work zone data sharing solution across the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the program isn’t defined by borders. one.network expects to make major announcements about other agreements in the Southwest United States in the next few months and through TXShare, the procurement protocol has a chance to expand throughout the state of Texas, and to other states as well.
“This contract is so important, not just in North Central Texas, but as an opportunity to create a broad work zone safety and efficiency network throughout the state and beyond.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network